What is Smoke, Sanity and Regression Testing?

Smoke Testing:
it is also known as Build Verification Testing (BVT), is a preliminary testing process that is performed on a build to ensure that the software is ready for further testing. It is a basic and quick test that is conducted on the build to check the most critical functionalities of the software. The primary goal of Smoke Testing is to ensure that the build is stable, and the application is functioning as per the requirement in its initial phase.

Sanity Testing:
It is also known as Limited Testing which is a type of software testing process that is conducted after the modified or updated software. The purpose of sanity testing is to determine whether the proposed changes in the software have resulted in a stable application. The objective of this test is to verify that the bug fixes or updates have not introduced any new issues, and the critical functionality of the application is still working. Unlike smoke testing, sanity testing is performed after the smoke test is executed.

Regression Testing:
It is a testing process that is performed on software after modifications or updates are made to it. The objective of regression testing is to verify that the application remains stable and functions correctly after changes are made to it. It involves retesting the sub-modules or the entire application to ensure that the changes have not affected the previous functionality. Regression testing is typically performed after sanity testing to ensure that the updated software remains stable.

Difference Among Smoke Testing, Sanity Testing, and Regression Testing:

Smoke Testing is performed to verify that the build is stable, and the application is functioning as per requirements in its initial phase. Sanity Testing is performed after the software has been modified or updated to ensure that the critical functionality of the application is still working. On the other hand, Regression Testing is performed after changes have been made to the software to ensure that the updates have not affected the previous functionality. Smoke testing is more basic and quick, while sanity testing is more comprehensive than smoke testing, and regression testing is the most extensive of all three tests, involving testing the entire application extensively. 


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