TestNG is a powerful testing framework

TestNG is a powerful testing framework that provides a wide range of annotations to help you write automated tests. One of the key features of TestNG is its annotation hierarchy, which defines the order in which annotations are executed during test execution.

1. @BeforeSuite: This annotation is executed before all tests in a test suite.
2. @BeforeTest: This annotation is executed before all tests in a test tag.
3. @BeforeClass: This annotation is executed before the first test method in a test class.
4. @BeforeMethod: This annotation is executed before each test method in a class.
5. @Test: This annotation marks a method as a test method.
6. @AfterMethod: This annotation is executed after each test method in a class.
7. @AfterClass: This annotation is executed after the last test method in a test class.
8. @AfterTest: This annotation is executed after all tests in a test tag.
9. @AfterSuite: This annotation is executed after all tests in a test suite.


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