Physical Verification Engineers 56 views5 applications

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Design Rule Checking (DRC): Run DRC checks using industry-standard tools to identify violations of manufacturing design rules. Collaborate with layout designers to resolve DRC issues.

Layout vs. Schematic (LVS) Verification: Perform LVS checks to ensure that the physical layout accurately matches the schematic and that there are no electrical connectivity discrepancies.

Electrical Rule Checking (ERC): Verify that the layout adheres to electrical constraints and requirements, such as voltage and current limitations, ensuring that the IC functions as intended.

Design for Manufacturing (DFM): Collaborate with design and manufacturing teams to optimize the layout for the semiconductor fabrication process. Address lithography and process variation concerns.

Process Technology Calibration: Calibrate layout extraction tools and parameters to match the specific process technology used for fabrication.

Resolution Enhancement Techniques (RET): Implement RET techniques to improve the printability of layout patterns during the photolithography process.

Fill Insertion: Insert fill cells into the layout to improve planarity and reduce manufacturing-related issues, such as wafer warping and stress.

Multi-Patterning and Advanced Nodes: Deal with challenges specific to advanced process nodes, including multi-patterning, coloring, and metal stack variations.

Hotspot Analysis: Identify and address potential hotspot areas that may lead to manufacturing defects or yield issues.

Post-Processing Simulation: Perform post-processing simulations to verify that the layout is compatible with the manufacturing process and does not introduce unwanted parasitics.

Process Integration Checks: Collaborate with process integration teams to ensure the smooth integration of the design with the semiconductor fabrication process.

Documentation: Maintain detailed documentation of verification processes, methodologies, and results.

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